Software Licensing Service
Software Licensing Service
To learn more about the service visit our Software Licensing Service Website*.
*only within MPG IP-range
The MPDL Software Licensing Group (SoLi) is the point of contact for all questions concerning the basic supply of software and online services for the Max Planck Institutes and MPG facilities. The group is responsible for the Software Licensing Service, and provides central contracts for widely used software from science, IT infrastructure, and administration. The aims of the basic software supply are low-threshold use of software, minimization of local effort, and economic benefit for the entire MPG.
To get an impression of the portfolio, check the always-up-to-date and still-growing list* on the SoLi website*. If you spot anything useful for your work, just contact your local software licensing officer* or your IT to receive a license.
To learn more about the service visit our Software Licensing Service Website*.
*only within MPG IP-range
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